Monday, March 30, 2009

We are so cutting edge

Really, everyone is doing this. All over.

Now we just need to do it more.

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's all in the sidebar

Based on some discussion, my helpful web guru (thanks, Sven) set up a feature where recent comments show up on the side of the blog. If you want to offer fruit, and you're comfortable doing it on a blog, leave a comment!

I also just added a list of available fruit -- if you want some, let me know. If you have some, let me know. If you have something to add to the list, please, again, let me know.

If you'd like me to email the whole group in your name, so it's slightly more private.

I know there's more fruit to share out there!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Whole Lotta Lemons Going On

We had tables heaped with citrus -- more lemons of more varieties than was perhaps expected -- and seeds, and tree dahlias, and sorrel, and lots of cooks in the kitchen. Marmalade which may or may not set (next time we'll investigate the use of commercial pectin, perhaps), lots of good talk about fruit and abundance and making preserves, and it was a lovely time.

I'm thinking that we'll go for quarterly get-togethers, loosely tied to the solstices and equinoxes, and focus on ways to share fruit in less formal ways in between. We've talked about using a house as a drop-off point, or putting out a "hey, go to this address and pick up some fruit in bags sitting outside" announcement.

Thank you to everyone who participated. And for those who couldn't, here's what it looked like:

Sorrel, fresh for soup, from Jim.

Sorrel seeds, for soup for a crowd!

Seeds for someone else to try.

No one here but us lemons. . .

Seeds, tree dahlias, sorrel, sorrel seeds.

Tasty navel oranges.

Pomelos to taste and share.

Meyer lemons and a bag of fresh rosemary.

Hey, look -- more Meyer lemons!

Bags of fruit to share.

Having the right equipment should help.

Many hands -- I think this might have been Nancy and Christine's hands, or maybe Lisa's -- do make light work.