Today's Alameda Sun ran a nice piece about the Exchange.
I hope lots of people think "Hey, that's just what we need!" when they look outside and see their orange tree just covered.
I'm thinking that instead of a citrus and seed exchange only, making it a marmalade/candied peel workshop too would be a good, timely idea. There's an available kitchen, so if that's something you'd like to do, would you let me know via email? If I have 10 folks or so, then it seems like a good idea and I'll secure the kitchen.
So long and thanks for all the fish
1 year ago
Reading your blog makes me incredibly aware of something I've been meaning to do, but never get around to it. There are oodles of trees in San Leandro and my neighborhood in Oakland that are covered in citrus. I want to knock on the doors and collect fruit. I was planning to donate some of it to the Alameda County Food Bank, do you plan to do that too? I'll give some to you too. The question is: when will I have time to do this? I'll have to pass on your kitchen session.
I have a Santa Rosa plum tree in my yard. It's never been treated with any pesticides or chemicals (soapy water to get rid of bugs, that's it) I still have 15 jars of plum jam from last year! Now I know what to do in July when the plums ripen.
See you this summer!!
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